Friday, 1 December 2000

TUC Survey on Safety at Work


1. TUC Survey on Safety at Work 2000 - stress at work major factor

2. New EAT decision


1. TUC Survey on Safety at Work 2000

This is an annual survey published by the TUC, after interviewing 9,000 safety reps. The reps identified the following as the major hazards at work:

(1) stress or overwork (identified by 66% of safety reps)
(2) back strain (44%)
(3) RSI (41%)
(4) Display Screen Equipment (36%)
(5) working alone (32%)

Of the reps who identified stress as a major hazard at work, they cited the following as the main causes:

(1) workload (cited by 74% of reps identifying stress as a major hazard)
(2) cuts in staff (53%)
(3) change at work (44%)
(4) long hours (39%)
(5) shift work (30%)
(6) bullying (30%)


2. New EAT Decisions

These cases are unreported (although some may be reported in due course). All transcripts can be found at

Davis v Tibbett & Britten Group [29.2.2000, HHJ Collins]
An 9-month old decision, only just posted to the EAT website yesterday! The EAT says it is not necessary for an employer to obtain medical evidence, when dismissing for persistent absence, where the employee suffers from a series of transient illnesses rather than one long, ongoing, illness

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