Tuesday 15 May 2007

Statutory Paternity Leave - Consultation

The DTI has issued a further consultation paper on the implementation of statutory paternity leave and pay, which is intended to be implemented in two years time.

The scheme allows mothers to pass some of their statutory maternity leave (and pay) to fathers if they (the mums) want to return to work during either OML or AML. This is likely to be prove popular with families where the mother earns substantially more than the father.

The government proposes to allow fathers to 'self-certify' that their child's mother is returning to work early and passing maternity entitlements over to them. He will be required to give eight weeks' notice. It is not proposed that the father's employer carry out any checks with the mother's employer, although HM Revenue & Customs will carry out occasional random checks to detect and prevent fraud.

Consultation on the implementation of the scheme closes on 3rd August 2007.

View consultation paper here (large .pdf file - takes about 30 seconds to download on broadband)

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