Thursday, 9 November 2006

Flexible Working for Carers

The DTI has, this morning, announced who will qualify as a 'carer' under the new right for carers to request flexible working (coming into force on 6th April 2007 under the Work and Families Act 2006).

The definition of 'carer' will cover any employee who is or expects to be caring for an adult who:

  • is married to, or the partner or civil partner of the employee; or
  • is a 'near relative' of the employee;
  • falls into neither category but lives at the same address as the employee.

The 'near relative' definition includes parents, parent-in-law, adult child, adopted adult child, siblings (including those who are in-laws), uncles, aunts or grandparents and step-relatives. The DTI estimates that this definition will cover about 80% of carers.

View DTI Press Release

[Thanks to Eugenie Verney for telling me about this press release]

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