Thursday, 22 March 2007

Abolition of Statutory Dispute Resolution Procedures

The DTI launched a consultation yesterday with a view to abolishing the statutory dismissal and grievance procedures, introduced in 2004.

The consultation follows the report from Michael Gibbons on the efficacy of the 2004 Regulations. He commented, "I was struck by the overwhelming consensus that the intentions of the 2004 Dispute Resolution Regulations were sound and there was a genuine attempt to keep them simple. However they have had unintended consequences which have outweighed their benefits."

Key recommendations of the Gibbons report, on which views are sought in the consultation paper, include:

  • repeal the statutory dismissal and grievance procedures
  • simplify tribunal applications forms
  • provide free mediation services for employment disputes
  • abolish Acas fixed conciliation periods
  • strengthen tribunal's powers to award costs, including taking into account the efforts the parties have made to resolve workplace disputes or settle the case

Click here for the Gibbons report, or here for the consultation paper. And if you want to respond, click here (the consultation closes on 20th June 2007).

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