Friday, 26 April 2013

Commencement Dates Announced

BIS has issued a press release containing commencement dates for some of the changes introduced by the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013, which received Royal Assent yesterday. 

On 25 June 2013 the following will come into force:-
  • the new tribunal procedural rules (final version not yet available)

  • changes to whistleblowing laws (introducing a public interest element, removing the requirement that the disclosure must be made in good faith, imposing vicarious liability on employers for detriments by employees on other workers)

  • removing the 2-year qualifying period for unfair dismissal where the main reason for dismissal is the employee's political opinions or affiliations.
 Commencement dates are still awaited for:- 
  • confidential termination negotiations (expected summer 2013)
  • new caps on the compensatory award (expected summer 2013)
  • fees for bringing tribunal claims (expected summer 2013)
  • employee shareholder status (expected 1 September 2013)
  • changes to TUPE (expected October 2013)
  • Acas early conciliation (expected 2014)
  • financial penalties for employers (expected 2014)
  • changes to Equality Act (no indications known)

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