1. Minimum wage and company directors
2. ECJ Decision - Doctors' maximum working hours
1. Minimum Wage and Company Directors
An Inland Revenue agreed guidance note on the impact of the minimum wage on company directors has been issued by the Tax Faculty of the Institute of Chartered Accountants.
The note is particularly useful for its guidance on when a director is also an employee.
It can be downloaded from http://www.taxfac.co.uk/facultypublications/documents/11-520-1.doc
2. ECJ Decision - Doctors' maximum working hours
The ECJ has, this morning, handed down its decision in Sindicator de Medicos de Asistencia Publica v Spain.
It held that Spanish primary care doctors are subject to the maximum 48-hour week.
The important sections of the judgment, which is available at http://www.curia.eu.int/jurisp/cgi-bin/gettext.pl?lang=en&num=79998996C19980303&doc=T&ouvert=T&seance=ARRET&where=() ,are to hold/confirm that:
- trainee doctors are not subject to the 48-hour week, they being a specific exemption from the Working Time Directive;
- doctors who are 'on-call' at a health centre are counted as working, for the purpose of the Working Time Directive;
- doctors who are 'on-call' away from a health centre (ie at home) are not counted as working, for the purpose of the Working Time Directive;
- doctors who are 'on-call' at night are not rendered 'night workers' simply by reason of the Directive.
New CPD Scheme launched for this list
It is now possible to obtain CPD hours for receiving these bulletins.
How does the Scheme work?
By answering multiple choice questions based on the employment law bulletins sent out in the previous 3 months, you can obtain 2 CPD hours each quarter.
The questions (and an archive of the last 3 months' bulletins) are available at www.cpdpoints.co.uk
The number of CPD hours awarded depends on the number of correct answers to the multiple choice questions, as follows:
5 or more correct (out of 12) - 1 CPD hour
7 or more correct (out of 12) - 1.5 CPD hours
9 or more correct (out of 12) - 2 CPDhours
How much does it cost?
There is no charge for attempting the questions.
Your score (and number of CPD hours to which that entitles you) will be sent to you by Email. You may then, if you wish, purchase the CPD hours for a fixed fee of £100+VAT.
How do I answer the questions?
The questions, and an answer form, are available online at www.cpdpoints.co.uk . All the answers can be found in the Employment Law (UK) bulletins as sent over the last few months. If you have not retained them(!), copies can be found on www.cpdpoints.co.uk .
For those who do not have access to the internet, a list of the questions will be distributed by Email next week.
The answers will be published on 1st November 2000. New sets of questions, based on the preceding 3 months' bulletins and entitling you to obtain yet more CPD hours, will be produced every quarter.
www.cpdpoints.co.uk and the CPD assessment scheme are adminstered by Employment Law Services Limited. Employment Law Services Limited is accredited by the Law Society as an authorised provider of CPD courses.
New CPD Scheme launched for this list
It is now possible to obtain CPD hours for receiving these bulletins.
How does the Scheme work?
By answering multiple choice questions based on the employment law bulletins sent out in the previous 3 months, you can obtain 2 CPD hours each quarter.
The questions (and an archive of the last 3 months' bulletins) are available at www.cpdpoints.co.uk
The number of CPD hours awarded depends on the number of correct answers to the multiple choice questions, as follows:
5 or more correct (out of 12) - 1 CPD hour
7 or more correct (out of 12) - 1.5 CPD hours
9 or more correct (out of 12) - 2 CPDhours
How much does it cost?
There is no charge for attempting the questions.
Your score (and number of CPD hours to which that entitles you) will be sent to you by Email. You may then, if you wish, purchase the CPD hours for a fixed fee of £100+VAT.
How do I answer the questions?
The questions, and an answer form, are available online at www.cpdpoints.co.uk . All the answers can be found in the Employment Law (UK) bulletins as sent over the last few months. If you have not retained them(!), copies can be found on www.cpdpoints.co.uk .
For those who do not have access to the internet, a list of the questions will be distributed by Email next week.
The answers will be published on 1st November 2000. New sets of questions, based on the preceding 3 months' bulletins and entitling you to obtain yet more CPD hours, will be produced every quarter.
www.cpdpoints.co.uk and the CPD assessment scheme are adminstered by Employment Law Services Limited. Employment Law Services Limited is accredited by the Law Society as an authorised provider of CPD courses.
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