Thursday, 5 October 2000

New Regulations on Email and Telephone Monitoring

The Telecommunications (Lawful Business Practice)(Interception of Communications) Regulations 2000 have been published under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000.

Apart from having an impressive title, the Regualations set out the circumstances in which an employer can record or monitor employees' communications (such as Email or telephones) without the consent of either the employee or the other party to the communication.

These circumstances are very wide, and they include:

  • for recording evidence of business transactions;
  • ensuring compliance with regulatory or self-regulatory guidelines;
  • maintaining the effective operation of the employer's systems (eg preventing viruses);
  • monitoring standards of training and service;
  • preventing or detecting criminal activity;
  • preventing the unauthorised use of the computer/telephone system - ie ensuring the employee does not breach the company's Email or telephone policies.

It is necessary under the Regulations for employers to take reasonable steps to inform employees that their communications might be intercepted. This reinforces the need for all employers to introduce an Email / internet policy for their workers.

The Regulations come into force on 24th October 2000. for notifying me of these Regulations>



New CPD Scheme launched for this list

It is now possible to obtain CPD hours for receiving these bulletins.

How does the Scheme work?

By answering multiple choice questions based on the employment law bulletins sent out in the previous 3 months, you can obtain 2 CPD hours each quarter.

The questions (and an archive of the last 3 months' bulletins) are available at

The number of CPD hours awarded depends on the number of correct answers to the multiple choice questions, as follows:
5 or more correct (out of 12) - 1 CPD hour
7 or more correct (out of 12) - 1.5 CPD hours
9 or more correct (out of 12) - 2 CPDhours

How much does it cost?

There is no charge for attempting the questions.

Your score (and number of CPD hours to which that entitles you) will be sent to you by Email. You may then, if you wish, purchase the CPD hours for a fixed fee of £100+VAT.

How do I answer the questions?

The questions, and an answer form, are available online at . All the answers can be found in the Employment Law (UK) bulletins as sent over the last few months. If you have not retained them(!), copies can be found on .

For those who do not have access to the internet, a list of the questions will be distributed by Email next week.

The answers will be published on 1st November 2000. New sets of questions, based on the preceding 3 months' bulletins and entitling you to obtain yet more CPD hours, will be produced every quarter. and the CPD assessment scheme are adminstered by Employment Law Services Limited. Employment Law Services Limited is accredited by the Law Society as an authorised provider of CPD courses.

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