Friday, 27 June 2014

Two Things

Two small things.

First, the Information Commissioner's Office has published Guidance Notes on Disclosure of Information under TUPE. It's short and easy to read. Thanks to Laurie Anstis of Boyes Turner for spotting it.

Second, did you know the preamble to the Wages Act 1986 is still on the statute books, even though the rest of it has been repealed? Well, the Law Commission is consulting on a proposal to repeal the preamble also - see page 127 of its report (internal numbering p115). But the nostalgic amongst us can still carry on referring to 'Wages Act claims' in tribunals, even though they haven't been called that for nearly a decade. Likewise with the still-existing preamble to the Employment Act 1980, the rest of which has all gone.

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